Saba has been inspiring and empowering girls through cricket since 2013. After achieving her coaching qualification through cricket charity Chance to Shine, she set up girls team Redbridge Rangers.
It has not been an easy journey, with Saba having to overcome some significant barriers, including simply getting through the doors of schools. After negotiating lunchtime sessions and basic advertisements in PE classes, girls began to join the team.
Saba’s main aim is to provide a safe and healthy, girls-only space where they can not only improve their cricketing ability but also develop their social and life skills, from confidence and teamwork to CV writing tips and first aid.
Three years on and, thanks to the tireless work of their coach, the Rangers are going from strength to strength, with 60 girls aged from eight to 18 attending weekly training sessions. Collectively, the team have won seven Chance to Shine competitions with three of the older participants finding the confidence and skill to join Wanstead cricket club.